Wednesday, 14 September, 2005, 21:16

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The seller, ab-fab-things, Kent, United Kingdom:
For sale: An amazing Pablo Picasso oil painting on hardboard.
I am now selling part of my collection.
This particular picture was composed using oil paint on hardboard.
I personally guarantee that it is a genuine work of art and not a copy or print.
The painting is of three abstract figures. It is signed Picasso and dated 17.7.65.
The central figure appears to be giving the femine looking figure a flower whilst ignoring the other figure on the left. Maybe the two male figures are competing for her love? It is a very evocotive looking work of art.
Picasso 1965-1973
Jacqueline Roque (Picassos wife) 1973-1976
Gifted to M.Barra,Mougins, from J.Roque 1976-1979
Sold to Dr Maxwell Grant,London 1979-1988
Sold to Mr Aston, London 1988-2005
Acquired by myself 2005
I will supply the original letter of provenance to the winning bidder along with a transfer of ownership document.
How dull, how tedious! Each story day by day from a notorious criminal, a misbegotten character selling his fakes at eBay.
Tuesday, 13 September, 2005, 23:33

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The seller:
Here we are offering another fine art piece from our collection. High quality 19th century master work by the well listed artist Constantin Stoiloff. This Painting is at least 100 years old. Ready to hang. Please ask all questions prior to bidding and thank you for visiting my auctions! Estimated Value USD 4.000.
All items are sold with a 100% guarantee of authenticity.
This painting is NOT a genuine Stoiloff. It is painted in his style, men far away from Stoiloff-quality.
Monday, 12 September, 2005, 01:00

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The seller:
Oil on paper/laid on cardboard, version of "friendship", attributed to Pablo Picasso (spanish 1881-1973) signed. 14 1/2 x 11 3/4"; 36.8 x 29.9 cm hand written letter verso to Henri (Bloch), June 15, 1908 (crease)
Who attributed the painting? It is signed and as such it cannot be attributed.
Saturday, 10 September, 2005, 17:06

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The seller (goldielox2, U.S.A.):
There is no reason to go on about this great artist ...... Marc Chagall. This work speaks for itself.
… it is in excellent condition. It measures 9.10 inches in width and 12.10 inches in height. The drawing has been kept unframed for many years. This work, as well as a number of other works of varied artists, has come to me via my grandparents. Grandfather was russian born and traveled extensively as a violinist, and concertmeister for ballets, etc. There were many stories of him traveling and working with famous artists and musicians. As a practical matter this drawing is offered as attributable to artist. Will go to the highest bidder. No reserve. Bid with confidence
goldielox2 is one of the leading art fakers at eBay. Don't buy any painting from this seller.
Wednesday, 7 September, 2005, 23:24

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The Seller: ab-fab-things, Kent, United Kingdom, Positive Feedback: 97.2%
Here is a wonderful Pablo Picasso oil painting on board for sale. You are a liar.
It was acquired by myself a number of years ago from a respected collector of Picassos works and friend of Jacqeline Roque (picassos wife). You are a liar. It never was in any collection belonging to Picasso's family.
I am now selling part of my collection. You are trying to sell a painting made by yourself.
This particular picture was composed using oil paint on board. I personally guarantee that it is a genuine work of art and not a copy or print. You just gave your guarantee that the painting was a genuine Picasso, which it is not.
It is signed Picasso. Perhaps, but it certainly was you who signed it.
Picasso 1954-1973. NEVER WAS! And you know it. You are a liar and an art swindler.
Jacqueline Roque 1973-1978 You are still a liar.
Acquired by myself 1994-2005 NO! You did the painting just a couple of month ago.
It also comes with a certificate of appraisal. Details of which will only be made to the winning bidder. You have no certificate from the Picasso family.
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