Tuesday, 9 August, 2005, 22:06

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The seller, the art swindler Mr. Eric I. Spoutz, Detroit:
Chaim Soutine Attributed Painting with Cert./Provenance
Signed by Soutine.
Attributed by Soutine
Sold by Soutine
Certificate of Attribution issued by Gerrit V. Henry describing his professional summary of the artwork.
Acquired by Julius R. Wolf
Acquired by Mr. Eric I. Spoutz for $10 from one of his amateur painters
Monday, 8 August, 2005, 00:54

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The seller:
Drawing signed Henri Matisse ( 1869-1954)
NO, it's NOT!
Sunday, 7 August, 2005, 00:24

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The seller (same as August 6, 2005)
Pablo Picasso Original Signed Drawing "Seance"
This week Fineartmasters is holding our special August Fine Art Auction Sale. This sale features many high quality signed and limited edition prints and original drawings, all starting at $9 with NO RESERVE, and ending on August 10. Many of these items normally sell in art galleries for hundreds or thousands of dollars. To view the other items we have up for auction in this sale click on this paragraph or the sale banner above.
The drawing is a five dollar picture, NOT a genuine Picasso
Saturday, 6 August, 2005, 19:28

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The seller:
This is an original Claude Monet pencil drawing, circa early 1900's. It is from the estate of French collector d'Edmond Poinsot, a Parisian druggist. A provenance letter (in French) stating the items history is included, along with a FAM COA
Please note that this item has drawings on both sides of the paper. The signed drawing is the main one, and the drawing of the flowers is on the back.
Both of the drawings are fakes, NOT original drawings by Monet.
Friday, 5 August, 2005, 19:39

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Over ten people watching this item.
Yes! And two of them are www.artfakes.dk and the FBI.
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