Monday, 7 November, 2005, 10:33

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The seller:
Karl Schmidt-Rottluff (1884 - 1976) Still Life Oil Painting. Signed K.S. 55. The Panel Measure:24 x 18".W/Wood worn Frame. One small chip in the paint.
This painting has nothing to do with the famous German expressionist Karl Schmidt-Rottluff. It's a FAKE.
Sunday, 6 November, 2005, 08:45

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The seller, goldielox2:
This original charcoal drawing signed henri Matisse, is one of a number of paintings and drawings that will be offered for auction on ebay. Not a lithograph or print of any kind. There is no reason to go on about this great artist.......... Henri Matisse the charcoal drawing measures 9 inches in height and 12.7 inches in width. The drawing is in excellent condition, and has been kept unframed for many years. This work, as well as a number of other works of varied artists, has come to me via my grandparents. Grandfather was russian born and traveled extensively as a violinist, and concertmeister for ballets, etc. There were many stories of him traveling and working with famous artists and musicians. As a practical matter this drawing is offered... As is, and will go to the highest bidder. All auction results are final. No reserve, bid with confidence.
Mr. Goldberg otherwise known as goldielox2 (how come I don't feel a sense of "gildness" here?) is in full swing selling grandpa’s false paintings. His grandfather, Joseph Goldberg, was born 1881 in Russia. He died in the U.S.A. in 1946.
Saturday, 5 November, 2005, 00:45

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The seller (rating): worth_auctions (unrated) Orlando, FL, USA.
(Yahoo! Auctions Member since October 28, 2005):
Attributed to Fernand Leger . Gouache painted on paper. 23 x 34 cm. circa 1952
Provenance: Quentin Crisp, Susan Sontag, Stable Fine Art Investments
Dr. Ernst Scheyer (Born: July 3, 1900; Died: December 4, 1985),was born and educated in Germany, where he received his doctorate in political science (rer. pol.) at the University of Freiburg, and his Ph.D. in Art History at the University of Cologne. Formerly professor of art history at Wayne State University in Detroit, he was also the assistant curator at the municipal museums of Cologne and Breslau, and honorary research fellow at the Detroit Institute of Arts. Dr. Scheyer's personal, professional, and research related documents are archived in the National Collection of Fine Arts: The Smithsonian Institution: Archives of American Art located in Washington D.C.
The well-known art faker Mr. Eric I. Spoutz, Detroit, MI. USA, now sells at Yahoo Shopping Auction. His new style is "worth_auctions", Orlando, FL, USA.
Dr. Ernst Scheyer has never ever seen this FAKE painting.
Friday, 4 November, 2005, 00:37

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The seller (rating): worth_auctions (unrated) Orlando, FL, USA
(Yahoo! Auctions Member since October 28, 2005).
Starting Price: $1975.00
Attributed to Marc Chagall. Gouached painted on paper. 23 x 34 cm. circa 1964. Provenance: Quentin Crisp, Susan Sontag, Stable Fine Art Investments. Attributed Marc Chagall Painting with Provenance.
Dr. Ernst Scheyer (Born: July 3, 1900; Died: December 4, 1985),was born and educated in Germany, where he received his doctorate in political science (rer. pol.) at the University of Freiburg, and his Ph.D. in Art History at the University of Cologne. Formerly professor of art history at Wayne State University in Detroit, he was also the assistant curator at the municipal museums of Cologne and Breslau, and honorary research fellow at the Detroit Institute of Arts. Dr. Scheyer's personal, professional, and research related documents are archived in the National Collection of Fine Arts: The Smithsonian Institution: Archives of American Art located in Washington D.C.
The well-known art faker Mr. Eric I. Spoutz, Detroit, MI. USA, now sells at Yahoo Shopping Auction. His new style is "worth_auctions", Orlando, FL, USA.
Dr. Ernst Scheyer has never ever seen this FAKE painting.
Thursday, 3 November, 2005, 00:27

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A FAKE painting and off course a FAKE signature.
The seller, the Danish Auction House
PETER SEVERIN KROYER (1851-1909). Oil on canvas. "Portrait of a young woman". Signed lower right S.K. 89. 23,5x17 cm. Provenience: A Danish collector.
Lot No. 600312. Estimated DKK 120.000,00 - $19.280,00
Not a bad painting but NOT painted by one of the most celebrated Danish artists, P.S. Krøyer.
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